Wednesday, April 15, 2009

the cart...

so, today during VBS the kids were playing with this cart, picture below;

they were using it to give the kids rides back and forward, and they asked me... Yadi! get on it! so I did, the first time they pulled me soo fast the cart flipped over and went on top of me, with some minor injuries I got on it again, this time I got stuck in the box while they were pulling me, just before getting to the end of the sidewalk, we stop, because the wheels had gone funny. the cart was broken. It was soo funny, we were all laughing, everyone but the kids who owned the car, and the one girl says... "how are we going to bring the water to our house now!" then, it doomed on me... this cart was NOT their toy, but their only transportation to carry water gallons, lumber and food home. I felt soo bad! the kids were so sad, I kept saying I would fix it, but they were still sad, and kept on trying on ways to fix it. ah geez! I dont know how but I have to get it fixed tomorrow. I feel so bad that they dont have it to carry home whatever they need for today!

the second ride for me... when it broke. the cart after the ride.

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