Wednesday, April 15, 2009

VBS day 1!

today was our first day of VBS at the Village, we decided to have our own since we had told the kids we would have one, and the team from Tulare was not able to come, obviously is no where near as great as if they were here but the willingness is here. =)

It was so much fun! this is the first time our church does a VBS on our own, so I was slighty nervous at the beggining, but other than forgetting the glue... everything else worked fine!

we had a worm puppet, and they loved it! I was surprise to see how excited and up for it they were! they were yelling the songs, were rasing their hands to answer questions, and I believe they felt so comfortable with us, maybe because they know us.

seriously, I remember when I would approach them, I would only get a yes or no answer, now... I cant get them to be quiet! they are so talkative now, it's brilliant!

here are some pictures... enjoy!

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